Taking Care of Your Gravel Driveway
A gravel driveway is one of the least expensive driveway options available. It does require some upkeep to maintain its appearance. If you have a short driveway, you can perform most gravel driveway maintenance tasks by hand. For a longer driveway, renting a small tractor with a grader blade allows you to quickly smooth the driveway and make any other repairs. If potholes form in the driveway, tend to them immediately. Otherwise, you only need to take care of gravel driveway service maintenance once or twice a year, depending on the amount of rain you receive.
Repair Potholes with Gravel
The first step to maintaining gravel driveways is to repair potholes. Do so by making the opening wider and deeper, going all the way to the base of the driveway if possible. Add large coarse gravel into the bottom of the pothole with a shovel. Pack it down with a hand tamper. Add a layer of medium-sized gravel into the hole and tamp it down as well.
Elevate Low Areas
Observe where puddles form on the driveway during rainy periods to find areas where the driveway isn’t draining properly. Add more gravel, as necessary, to raise low spots. Scrape gravel away from any areas on the driveway that may be creating a dam to hold water on the gravel.
Grade the Driveway
Grade the driveway at least once or twice a year with a grader blade attachment on a tractor as part of your regular gravel driveway maintenance. Work the gravel on the surface so there is adequate drainage away from the house. Water should also run off the gravel driveway.
Do you need a good gravel driveway service? If you are in the Waukegan, IL area, you can always count on Aldo's Brick Paving Inc. to help you. For inquiries and information, do not forget to contact us at (224) 944-1781 today.