Make Your Driveway a Top Priority in Home Maintenance Project
Driveways are low on the priority list when it comes to home maintenance, mostly because they appear to be indestructible. Yet the driveway is one of the most used but overlooked areas of your house and is prone to staining and cracking with time. Follow these 3 smooth gravel driveway maintenance tips from the experts:
Rake regularly.
Between shifts in the weather and vehicles regularly traversing the surface, the gravel in your driveway can become displaced — especially where your tire tracks go. Regularly raking, whether with a hand rake or gravel rake that you pull with a piece of equipment, will keep the stones uniform and look smooth and nice.
Keep debris off the driveway.
Whether it is sticks, leaves, or litter, debris will inevitably find its way to your driveway. So, when you see any debris, stop and pick it up. This will keep too much from piling up and causing water to sit on the surface of, or sink into, the stones, which could cause potholes and vegetation to grow. Regular raking will keep debris off too.
Remove potholes.
Potholes can form in any climate. If you live in an area where temperatures become extremely cold, freezing and thawing will cause the gravel to break up. If you live in a warmer climate, extreme heat can do the same thing. Over time, driving in a vulnerable area will displace the stones, thereby causing a pothole. When eliminating potholes, it is important that you take the extra time to grade out their entire depth. If you just fill them in with stones, the potholes will reappear the next time you have any substantial inclement weather.
These are just some tips to keep in mind when maintaining your gravel driveway in Waukegan, IL. If you need professional gravel driveway maintenance, you can count on Aldo's Brick Paving Inc. for the job.