3 Things to Think About Before Hiring a Gravel Driveway Installation Expert

Going to the Path of Gravel

The crunch of gravel as you swing your car into the drive is the stuff garden dreams are made of. Gravel conjures up images of languid luxury, even if you’re not driving a sports car or pulling up to a mansion. But a crisply laid gravel driveway can quickly turn into messy mayhem if it’s not done correctly. Spreading stones, wheel-spinning vehicles, and errant weeds are major pitfalls that can impact any front garden design. Here’s what to think about before you go down the path of gravel from a gravel driveway installation expert.

Gravel Driveway Edging

Keep an eye out for spreading gravel. First, it looks messy. In addition, gravel spilled onto an adjacent pathway can cause people to slip over, and gravel in the grass can flick up in the lawnmower and hurt someone or damage your windows. Wood, stone, and brick all work well as edging materials. Bear in mind that wood will need replacing every 10 years, and stone and brick need to be set properly in concrete to get the full benefits.

Where to Position a Gravel Driveway

Gravel can stick to the soles of shoes and result in scratched floors. Make sure there’s another surface between the gravel driveway and the entry of your home, to give stones a chance to fall from shoes. It’s also worth having a doormat at the front door to shed any excess stones.

Preparing to Install a Gravel Driveway

Creating a gravel driveway isn’t as simple as pouring some stones onto a path – do that and you’ll sink straight into it. Proper preparation is essential. Gravel should be laid in a slight trench of about 10cm deep. Smooth and compact the soil, then lay about 10cm of hardcore (crushed stones) at the bottom of the trench to allow for drainage. Compact these with a sledgehammer, then lay weed membrane to prevent weeds with deep roots from sprouting.

For quality gravel driveway installation, Aldo's Brick Paving Inc. is the one you need to hire. We provide asphalt driveway services in Waukegan, IL. Give us a call at (224) 944-1781 now!

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